After the Ugandan Government Passed the Anti-LGBTQ Law, the United States was made ‘Ketar Ketir’, Why?

[ad_1] – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said his government would consider limiting visas for Ugandan officials and others deemed to have violated human rights by imposing the harshest penalties on LGBT people.

Antony Blinken has given orders to the Department of State to update guidance for US citizens traveling to Uganda.

This effort is a follow-up to President Joe Biden’s criticism of the Uganda Law. According to Joe Biden, the US can sanction the implementation of the law in all aspects involving the US and Uganda.

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On Monday, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed into law the anti-LGBTQ law, which provides for the death penalty for homosexuality. It also invited controversy from a number of Western countries.

“This shameful act is the latest development in a worrying trend of human rights violations and corruption in Uganda,” said Joe Biden.

The US president admitted that he had asked the White House National Security Council to examine the impact of the law on all aspects of the US and Uganda’s involvement in all fields.

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“And we are considering additional steps, including imposing sanctions and restrictions on entry to the United States on anyone who engages in serious human rights abuses or corruption,” Biden said. ()

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