Again, Al-Quran Burning Actions Happened Again in Sweden, Let’s See the Full Description and Explanation

[ad_1] – Al-Quran burning took place again in Sweden, this time in the middle of the Eid al-Adha celebration.

However, not all Swedes agreed to the action.

Several residents who were at the demonstration site viewed the actions of the man from Iraq who moved to Sweden, Salwan Momika, as a form of provocation.

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This action, which was carried out in the name of freedom of opinion and expression, later drew criticism around the world.

Including Indonesia which is a country with the world’s largest Muslim population.

The Indonesian government strongly condemned this action and a number of groups, including the MUI and netizens, condemned it.

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How should netizens react to this?

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a tweet “strongly condemns this provocative action” and stated “this action deeply hurts the feelings of Muslims and cannot be justified.”

“Freedom of expression must also respect the values ​​and beliefs of other religions.

Indonesia and the member countries of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in Sweden have protested this incident,” said a statement written by the account @Kemlu_RI.

Similar criticism was conveyed by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through a statement by the Head of the Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Division, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim.

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