Becoming a Convert and Islamizing Hundreds of Thousands of His Followers, This Former Pastor Was Invited to Hajj by the Government of Saudi Arabia

[ad_1] – Allah SWT. really has a beautiful and unexpected plan for His servants.

Four months ago, a South African pastor named Richmond never thought he would convert to Islam.

But one month later, Richmond had an amazing dream in which he was asked to tell his congregation to become Muslim.

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“Tell your people to wear white coats,” said the voice in the dream.

At first Richmond ignored it but the dream kept coming over and over again.

Until finally he did what he was told in his dream because his voice became more aggressive.

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“Tell your followers now.”

Richmond also told his congregation and they took it for granted.

At the next meeting, the congregation wore white clothes.

Richmond is sure that this dream is not an ordinary dream, but a hint and guidance from God for him.

As well as dream instructions for pious people revealed to the Prophet Yusuf.

Furthermore, Richmond preached about inviting his congregation to recite the creed together and his followers also followed Richmond’s creed.

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