Please accept my condolences! The two passengers on the Titan Submarine that exploded are the richest people in Pakistan, check out their reviews

[ad_1] – The families of two passengers on board the Titan submarine that exploded expressed “deep sadness” at their loss on Friday (23/6/2023).

Shahzada Dawood, 48, and her son Suleman, 19, are part of the Dawood industrial empire, which has become one of Pakistan’s largest.

“It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Shahzada and Suleman Dawood,” said a statement from the Dawood Foundation.

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“We extend our sincere condolences to the families of the other passengers on board the Titan submarine,” it read, signed by Hussain and Kulsum Dawood, Shahzada’s parents.

Hussain Dawood is one of Pakistan’s richest men, head of the Engro Company and chairman of the charitable foundation that bears his surname.

All five people on board died after suffering what the US Coast Guard said was an “explosive catastrophe” at sea depths, ending a multinational search and rescue operation that began when the small craft was lost in the North Atlantic for four days. ago.

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Rear Admiral John Mauger told reporters in Boston on Thursday that analysis showed debris found on the seafloor 500m from the Titanic’s bow was consistent with a submarine pressure chamber explosion.

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